The Day of the Sun and the Sun is in Sagittarius. Summer ends with the beautiful colors of Libra. Then, as the Sun moves into Scorpio, the intensity of autumn magnifies. The leaves shrivel and die. By the time the Sun reaches Sagittarius, there is a wintry look to the northern landscapes. The leaves have fallen from the trees and the view is open to a larger sky. Sagittarius is about wide open spaces. The arrow of the Archer represents thoughts, and during the Sagittarius month, our aspirations can be aimed high. Our minds go to far-away places and we think about our long-term goals in life. We may dream of travel and visualize the future. This day is loaded with opportunities, both subtle and practical. Do you have any business you can do today? Rise early and take care of it as Moon in abundant Taurus trines Pluto in builder-sign Capricorn. If there’s no practical outlet for these energies, enjoy their sensual side by sharing a special breakfast, massage and whatever-happens-next in bed. The 11th day is a portal to elevate humanity’s love vibration, and now, only one day before Guadalupe-Tonantzin’s feast day, this is the last such opportunity of the year. Partake of a spiritual service or encounter, or simply meditate in a way that helps you achieve this wavelength. A chain of lunar contacts to the orbs of success, Jupiter, Saturn and Sun, remind us that practical actions also can be sacred and today, especially productive. At 8:04 pm (11:04 ET), Moon in creative but stubborn Taurus goes VOC on a square to bellicose Mars. Interaction with others can lead to explosive situations. Also tonight, inspiration rises as Sun trines Uranus, planet of genius. Use insomnia to make headway with a creative endeavor or strategize for activism.