The Day of the Sun in Atziluth. The Metaversal Lightpilot, which the ancient Egyptians referred to as the KA, is actually the fourth dimensional driver of the third dimensional Lightcraft, the BA. There is a sixth dimensional solar mind which interacts with all levels and is purely an electromagnetick harmonic, a harmony based on all the other levels coming together around a center. And the sun is the center eternally now and therefore timeless. The Sun never sets on itself. The evolution of the Metaversal song, what some refer to as the Great Work, has as its core the purpose of resonating this harmonic through your individual interactive Lightcraft.Mars entered Gemini late last night, working well with Moon in Aquarius to fuel our spirit of adventure. There’s no rest for the weary, even if we were looking forward to a relaxing activity with friends. Superhero Mars skips into changeable Gemini, making it difficult to stay in one lane. A magical quintile between lovely Venus and auspicious Jupiter portends warm and fuzzy feelings, but we’re too distracted to sink into a deep discussion. Keeping things light and easy appears like avoidance to one person, but is fully acceptable to another.Today, we’ll want to fight for a cause, connect with friends who stimulate our individuality, make a date with the artist within to visit an art exhibit, and simply express our uniqueness. Lightcraft, emotions, physics, gyroscopes and the study of planetary motion all deal with spin. It is the nature of waves when they meet in the Metaversal compressible substrate (ether), to beat and interfere. November has been full of “spin”—of various types The key to compression/implosion is how these waves can interfere infinitely with never any destructive loss of inertia, spin, and pattern. You may find yourself spinning, there’s so much to do this month. Or you may get into just spinning your wheels, getting nowhere. Here is a simple way to chart this out, by following the idea that the Metaverse is comprised of electromagnetic waves imploding into matter, through a torsion field:
electric => will, or intention
magnetic => feelings, or flowing emotions
torsion field => sacred space, zero point
gravity => imploding waves
matter => manifestation