Greetings Fellow Immortals! The Lightcraft in Yetzirah/ Airweek is the physical body's coded experience in time. The body in time with its Lightcraft is art. Lack of respect for the Art of Love of life arises directly from not understanding the true electrical alchemic principles of time compression at the end of solar ages- alchemizes the heart - is because the charge densities which accompany the solar maxima (2000- 2012 - climax of the Mayan / Solar calendar) formerly called RAPTURE by Christians - permit only those biological structures ABLE to non-destructively (and ALCHEMICALLY) compress / implode - to survive. In a sense - being squeezed - teaches us the biological hygiene techniques for immortality of infinite compression / acceleration thru the Heart of the Sun.. (When the phase fronts of biological magnetics - particularly the ultraviolet component of DNA emissions - blue fire - interface successfully with the superluminal - faster than light speed - the resultant electrical sustainability is the physics of immortality / ensoulment)Ladies and gentlemen, as we rise out of the pit of unpleasant reflexes, let me remind you that the core is ill-prepared to respond to any whiny little demands, so if you would kindly refrain from dying in your seats we shall all have a happier trip. Congratulate yourselves,you have incarnated into the least boring period in human history. Lightcraft, emotions, physics, dj’s, gyroscopes and the study of planetary motion all deal with spin. The embedding of spin is perfectly recursive when it is PHI based, just as DNA spin braiding.
Earth’s gravity is stabilized by zodiacal spin. Scorpio Airweek is likely to be full of “spin”—of various types.
You may find yourself spinning, there’s so much to do. Or you may get into just spinning your wheels,
getting nowhere. It is the nature of waves when they meet in the Metaversal (compressible substrate /ether),
to beat and interfere. The key to compression is how these waves can interfere infinitely with no destructive
loss of inertia, spin, and pattern. Every Autumn, as the nights lengthened, and the toads swelled to enormous size in
anticipation of the seasonal junkets, a little less sunshine rejuvenates our lives.
we bet merrily on eel-driven chariot races. Why don't you just put your hypno-goggles back on and settle down.
The Holy IaooaI understand that within the Lightcraft are the Father and the Son, joy riding essentially, because
they have the key. Who gave them the key? I did. It cannot be weaned prematurely or circumcised without sedation lest
it become traumatized and even more crestfallen.
Sunday November 17
Between dark and light the angles of times are best manifest at their balance, so invoke Apollo, Ra, or the
baby-faced Sun god from the Teletubbies into your heart Chakra today. Sunday is always a good day integrate
all the planets in our personal Lightcraft. In the World of Yetzirah, Air, the Lightcraft is analogous to the
active aspect of the psychological body, or for simplicities sake, let's call it Psyche. In the physical body
(in Assiah) there are infinite subdivisions down to the frontier of the physical world, where the particles of matter and impulses of energy are interchangeable. In the same way, the Psyche interpenetrates the body so that the upper part of the physical world percolates and influences the lower part of the psyche, and vice versa. In the macrodimensions of the Metaverse, a crisis can generate a direct contact with the Sun in Yetzirah (Psyche) but after the crisis, the connection fades, and the watcher in oneself fades back into the subconscious. The Lightpilot seeks to consciously make permanent connection with the Sun in Yetzirah. This is done by constant observation of actions, emotions and intellect, to perceive impartially the way those functions operate, and to correct and perfect their performance so as to become a true seething. To be the big picture, complete in all its parts. At 7:16 am/25°26' Scorpio/Taurus, the Moon reaches its Full point opposing the Sun (10:16 am ET). Mercury ups the importance of the day when it makes its third of three conjunctions to the North Node, bringing forward karmic
conditions that remain unresolved since September a year ago. Coming as it does near the end of its sign, the
Moon goes void at the time of the Full Moon, giving us time to ponder the world of change that has come to us in
the past two months. Everything important has already happened at the time of this lunation. This frees us to make
internal changes that will reverberate positively into our future. Actions taken now (perhaps after the Moon changes
signs) are based on this new freedom. The Moon reaches connective Gemini at 4:07 pm, to draw us into invigorating social
contact. In the chart cast for Washington DC, The emphasis is on the political gridlock in the nation.
People are mesmerized by the holidays, especially drawn to the rituals of the past as they seek comfort in
the face of uncertainty. The President is strong in his stance for the new healthcare program, and that battle is
behind him amidst world praise and the support of even the most doubtful, who are understanding how beneficial it is
to them. Now he takes on the labyrinthine manipulations of the right-wing as they attempt to further destroy the lives
of those who have less power than them, a battle they have been winning. His stand, firm or weak, is the basis for the
current struggle, and all eyes are on him despite holiday distractions.
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